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To be honest, I don't like to build resin kits. If I should buy one it has to be something I really want. HMS Gotland in 1/350 scale from OKB Grigorov turned out to be one of those.
There aren’t many parts but they are very fine. There were only a few tiny air bubbles |
The sail is in place. As you can see it isn't a large model. |
I had absolutely no problems putting it together. Everything went together fine. |
I started to paint it black but examining pictures made me change my mind. |
There is a transparent opening at the rear of the sail and I decided to fix this. I sawed it open and filled it with super glue. Then I sanded it to the right shape. Above this opening there is a box with something that I suspect is lamps. I added this from plastic card. |
With the black colour on I noticed some points that needed more filing and sanding, so I decided to strip the paint and start all over. |
In pictures there is a hole visible on the front of the sail, so I added this to. |
While working on it I decided to add antennas and periscope so in preparation for these I drilled holes for them. Pictures of the sub shows grey in different shades, so the removal of the black paint wasn't a big loss. |
The first coat of grey with a thin coat of darker grey wash. |
Next coat is a darker grey with an even darker grey misted on to it. |
Some NATO black finish it off. |
Removing masking tape is always nerve wrecking but the paint job didn't turn out to be a disaster this time. |
With some light behind the sail the semi-transparent opening I made is visible. |
0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 mm brass tubes was used. The brass looks nice against the grey, it is almost a shame to paint them. |
There were no decals in the kit so I had to add them myself. |
When resin kits are this good even I can build one. |
I would like to see more Swedish subs from OKB Grigorov in this scale but sadly the 350 scale has been dropped. But I could use another one of this kit. |
HMS Gotland is named after the province Gotland in Sweden. |
HMS Gotland isn't big compared to the USS Greeneville or the HMS Astute. |
Stockholm November 24, 2012 | ![]() |
Updated August 27, 2020 |
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