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Åsa-Nisse's car

The theme class at C4-Open was female this year. My contribution was Eulalia III from the movie "Åsa-Nisse i full fart" (1957)
I found an old kit in the stashes that I threw together.
(Model finished 2024)

The Pyro's kit isn't the most modern one, but I guess it was given to me at some point and I never knew what to do with it.

I was thinking about a Hot Rod for a long time but now it finally came to use. I had to cut the roof away.

I chose the Eulalia III as it had a more colorful scheme but when I was done I found out that the kit is a model A while the Eulalia III was a model B. For a while I thought about repainting it to Eulalia II but ignored it as it wasn't a very serious build and in terms of appearance the A and B models were quite similar.

Stockholm December 31, 2024 No updates
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