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T-72 Finland

This is a Galaxy T-72 built as a tank from Finland. On this kit I made a box for the left side of the turret, and front and rear lights as well. The decals are from a hopeless old short run T-72 kit.
(Model finished 2000)

PT-91 Gepard

When Poland joined NATO they needed to conform to the standard NATO ammunition. There were three suggestions on how to do this. 1. Buy new 120mm guns for the existing T-72's. 2. Rebuild the T-72's with old Leopard 2 turrets. 3. Buy second hand Leopard 2 tanks.
(Model finished 2002)

I suspected that the third alternative would win, but I really liked the sketch of the T-72 with the Leopard turret so I had to build one before the decision of the future tank force of Poland would be made. As I had an old short run T-72 hull and a Revell Leopard turret, all I needed was some wheels as the T-72 wheels was unusable. (That was the reason why the kit never was finished) I found that the Airfix Centurion had wheels of the right size, so there it is. A tank that never came to exist.

Stockholm May 23, 2019 No updates
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