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S.I. Mark 1.A

‘Z’ Squadron, R.A.F. “Boomerang Squadron” early September 1939
A boomerang whirls out, strikes, and whirls back home again.
(Model finished 2020)

Perhaps not the most common aircraft in the world.
I started with a Matchbox Swordfish and a tail from a Matchbox He115.

I then added some floats of an unknown origin. I had do dig in my old LEGO box to build a jig for the floats.

Hopefully the plane is placed correctly on the floats now.

Inspiration for this build is from the cover of the 1940 issue of Biggles in the Baltic.

I thought that the planes looked very much like Swordfish without the top wing.

I found a Matchbox Swordfish without decals very cheap so I thought that I would have some fun building this.

On the book cover, the planes looks very dark underneath and with a week after the outbreak of war, the time frame is right for the black-and-white underside, even if the black is on the wrong side of the plane on the book cover.

I was told that the last Blackburn built Swordfish was NS204. Then there is a gap in the serial registrations until NS487.
I found some decals that I could mix for a serial in that gap.

I also found a window of some kind and added some wires to the floats.

Stockholm September 16, 2016 Updated December 08, 2020
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